Fashion Styling Bootcamp Atlanta! Kris Cole Style Academy Fashion Workshops

So You Think You Can Style? If you think you have what it takes to meet the challenge of being your own boss and becoming a celebrity fashion stylist or personal shopper then the Kris Cole Style Academy would like to invite you to the Fashion Stylist Bootcamp! PLease visit or call 404-271-3812 for […]
Top 10 Wardrobe Essentials for Women: The Sexy Chic Mom

I’ve been asked a lot recently about my opinion regarding the wardrobe essentials or “staples” that I feel every woman should have. I received the first request last week when my cousin who is a 20 something new mother sent me a message via Facebook frantically requesting my advice. The other request came from Jennifer […]
2012 Not-Hot List: The top 10 trends that should NOT have been
One of my resolutions for 2012 is to be more personally active with blog post while showing a bit of my personality as well (hope you’re ready). I have a tendency to be a bit passionate when it comes to hideous trends therefore this post is not for everyone (sensitive ones/violators). ****Disclaimer #1: If you […]
Haute Holiday Makeup

It is finally time to go above and beyond the smoky eye look and rock your haute holiday makeup- shimmery eyes, lavish lips, glowing skin, and bold lashes. To get your magical makeup look, follow these tips: 1. Moisture and conceal- Always apply a lightweight moisturizer, such as Oil of Olay Complete ($4 at most […]
Social Responsibility:Maximizing Your Potential

A few weeks ago, I attended a corporate social responsibility meeting sponsored by the Black Public Relations Society of Atlanta. The speaker was Ann Cramer, director of IBM Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs. Ms.Cramer taught the attendees about the concept of social responsibility (CSR). Corporate Social Responsibility is the responsibility of an organization for the impacts […]
‘Tis the Season for a Little Cape Coat

As the temperature takes a more chilling and rather surprising toll on all of us, this is the time that we can appreciate the fashion world’s ability to predict its own version of a “forecast.” Much like you, I too have been scrambling to find my winter’s coat within the past few days, but unfortunately, […]
Five Fast Ways to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal relationships are formed in everyday social and cultural environments. These environments include family, friends, organizations, neighbors,employees, and co-workers. The following five tips can help you develop a more positive attitude when interacting with people you see everyday. 1. Don’t condemn or criticize others Instead of telling people they are doing something incorrect, say, “What […]
Back to Basics: Networking

According to the knowledgable, anonymous editors at Wikipedia, business networking can be defined as a socioeconomic activity by which like-minded groups of business people recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. At first glance business, or professional networking, can seem like a daunting task however at a time when most jobs and new clients are […]
Skills to Thrill in the Workplace

You may think you are ready to work, but being ready is not enough these days. Employers not only want people who are work-ready, but they need people who know how to work. Workplace skills increase productivity and your chances for a promotion. The following are skills you need at a potential or current job: […]
Finding Your Flare
You are at home, relaxing in front of your television. A commercial pops up with dancing models who are singing about how beautiful and lean they look in their flares. Your first thought may be, “What? Flares are back?” Soon after that thought, the long and lean lyrics continuously playback in your head. Do flares […]